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Best Choice for you
Successful design means fully understanding the needs and aspirations of each individual client.
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"We write to confirm that K P Narola Architect (Pty) Ltd had provided architectural and project management services to the Botswana Government through the Department of Building and Engineering Services, as lead consultant for the project consultancy team for the following Ministry of Agriculture Projects."
"The Project consisted of Upgrading of Vocational Educational Training center facilities and additional new buildings consisting of classrooms offices, library, kitchen, dinning hall and student hostels etc. I confirm that K P Narola rendered high quality pre contract consultancy work on the above project and was completed on schedule."
We confirm that we found their services to be of high professional quality and projects were completed on time and within the allocated budgets. Their work was well coordinated and the staff allocated to the project was well experienced and all queries were attended promptly and efficiently. As a project manager they provided good leadership, and cooperated well with other consultants and the main contractor. We have no hesitation in recommending them to any prospective Client for Architectural and Project Management services as Lead Consultant on building projects.
We confirm that we found their services to be of high professional quality and that they completed the project on time and within the allocated budgets. Their work is well coordinated and all the staff allocated to the project were equipped with excellent prior experience and all the necessary skills. In all cases, the project queries were attended to promptly and efficiently. We have no hesitation in recommending them to any prospective client requiring architectural and project management services and as a lead consultant on any building projects.
They were also the team leader of the full consultancy team that were engaged by them to carry out the engineering and quantity surveying consultancy work for the project. We note that the hospital project - with a building budget of P 170 million - was successfully completed in 2019 and the hospital has been in operation since then. We would like to state that we found the services of K P Narola Architect highly professional, and the projects assigned to them has been completed to our satisfaction. They have so far provided us further on-going services and when required.
We would like to state that we found the services of KP Narola Architect highly professional, and they have delivered the work assigned to them timeously and have worked hand in hand with our professional team where necessary. They have also provided us further on-going services as and when required. We have no hesitation in recommending them for similar services to any prospective clients.
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